A N C I E N T N O M A D . c o m T r a v e l & A d v e n t u r e |
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PART 3: Back on the road - South East Asia.
Vancouver, Canada - May 08, 2010 It's already May. The time is passing so fast, sometimes I don't even know where it goes... I have been working on the translation, and in the meantime trying to put my current affairs into perspective. It seems like this is a little similar to my December 07 situation, except that now I have a few more options. I don't have time for anything else as long as I am working on the translation, so why should I be wasting my money in Vancouver ! I arrived with a solution - flying to South East Asia. Unfortunately, the tickets became more expensive now, and they are even more expensive when you don't book them in advance. But I found a really good deal on flying to Hong Kong - 575 Canadian dollars, one way. It's cheap, a great deal. And I don't need a return ticket flying to Hong Kong, as I was told before, so I decided to go for it. But, as usually, things can't be smooth and simple in Vancouver. My Visa card expired just at the end of April. I asked the bank to communicate with me through email about anything concerning my account, but of course they didn't and sent the card replacement to the address where I don't live since three years ago. I had to ask them to cancel it and send me another one - this time to my branch. It was supposed to arrive there today, but didn't. And they will not activate it unless I have it in my hand. The card will arrive at the bank on Monday (today is Friday, so of course they don't work on weekends), and I must buy the plane ticket till tomorrow or my reservation will expire ! I don't have to explain how this made me feel. But maybe it's for the good. I did't really want to stay in Hong Kong for too long. Concerned this time with money, I was looking for a cheaper place, like Vietnam, Laos or Thailand. It turns out that getting there from Hong Kong would be relatively easy, yet too troublesome for me in my situation. I just need a cheap place where I can stay and concentrate on doing the translation. So, dealing with visas, tickets, borders, looking for accommodation, is too much at this time. I wouldn't be also able to go sightseeing, so it would be a waste. It wouldn't make sense to spend money on visas and not have a chance to go traveling around the country. So, at the end, I gave up on flying there now. I have planning on teaching English in China, but with limited funds, I decided to stick around the Americas in the meantime. It will be cheaper, safer, easier, will give me time to finish the translation of and enjoy sun and some diving in the meantime. I will go Seattle and stay at my friend's place for a couple weeks, then fly to Yukatan, Mexico. I will fly to Cancun, and then go to a smaller and cheaper place somewhere along the coast. I will stay there for a month, work on the translation, go diving to keep myself sane, and when finished I will probably travel to Honduras and to Roatan on the Bay Islands again, do some diving there, perhaps a Rescue Diver course. Then I will get paid for the translation, and plan what's next. I think this solution is better. I will feel safer arriving in Asia with more money. I will also have more time to do research, and perhaps sign a contract with a school in China. So, this might turn out to be good at the end. Right now, I have to take care of a few thing here and get ready. I will get back to Vancouver in the future, to take care of the things in my storage. I will rent another storage space at that time, just for a month, to make things easier to sort and photograph. Then, after all is ready and posted on the web, I will ship the rest, sell as much as possible, and leave. This time for good. Unless I would find a very good job. So... this is my May 2010 update. My life has always been about freedom and I shall continue to walk this path. Safe travels ! ........... Stan Check out my Photography Portfolio |
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